Alaska Sustainable Salmon Fund
Instream flow projects collect data and develop instream flow reservations, ensuring water bodies retain sufficient water for local salmon populations.
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Explore instream flow projects
Anadromous cataloging projects survey water bodies, protecting them through additions to Alaska’s Anadromous Waters Catalog.
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Explore anadromous cataloging projects
Land conservation projects permanently protect important salmon habitat through acquisitions and conservation easements.
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Explore land conservation projects
Fish passage projects restore access to salmon habitat blocked by culverts, dams, and other obstructions.
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Explore fish passage projects
Invasive species projects eradicate, suppress, or contain northern pike, elodea, and other species detrimental to salmon.
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Explore invasive species projects
Instream habitat projects restore riparian vegetation, large woody debris, natural stream channels, and other characteristics of healthy salmon streams.
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Explore stream restoration projects
Escapement projects count adult salmon runs to ensure sustainable subsistence fishing opportunities.
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Explore escapement projects
Juvenile abundance projects help predict adult returns that contribute to subsistence fisheries.
Explore juvenile abundance projects
Explore juvenile abundance projects
Projects that estimate subsistence salmon harvests help ensure continued subsistence fishing opportunities.
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Explore harvest monitoring projects
Climate impact studies identify high-value salmon habitat to guide the selection of AKSSF projects towards those that impact water bodies most likely to support salmon in a changing climate.
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Explore climate impact projects
Funding Opportunities
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The AKSSF program has funded around 1,000 projects since its inception in 2000. Use a key word search to find the projects that interest you, click on a marker in the map to learn more, or explore the filters to refine your search by region, year, objective, etc. (Please note that many of the projects funded prior to 2014 are no longer eligible for AKSSF funding.)
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Recipient Organization
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ADF&G, Division of Commercial Fisheries
ADF&G, Division of Sport Fish
ADF&G, Habitat Section
ADF&G, Subsistence Section
Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation
Alaska Department of Natural Resources
Alaska Pacific University
Alaska Railroad Corporation
Bristol Bay Science and Research Institute
City and Borough of Sitka
Cook Inlet Aquaculture Association
Cook Inletkeeper
Copper River Watershed Project
Great Land Trust
Juneau Watershed Partnership
Kachemak Heritage Land Trust
Kenai Watershed Forum
Kuskokwim Native Association
Matanuska-Susitna Borough
Metlakatla Indian Community
Municipality of Anchorage
National Forest Foundation
National Marine Fisheries Service
National Park Service
Native Village of Eyak
Palmer Soil and Water Conservation District
Sealaska Heritage Institute
Sitka Conservation Society
Sitka Tribe of Alaska
Southeast Alaska Watershed Coalition
Takshanuk Watershed Council
Tanana Chiefs Conference
The Conservation Fund
The Nature Conservancy
Trout Unlimited, Inc.
Tyonek Tribal Conservation District
U.S. Bureau of Land Management
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
U.S. Forest Service
U.S. Geological Survey
University of Alaska Anchorage
University of Alaska Fairbanks
University of Alaska Southeast
Wild Salmon Center
Yukon River Drainage Fisheries Association
AKSSF Objective
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Submit reservation of water applications on important salmon streams or lakes
Submit nominations to the Catalog of Waters Important for the Spawning, Rearing or Migration of Anadromous Fishes
Conserve salmon habitat by land acquisition, easement, or other mechanism
Restore fish passage on water bodies utilized by salmon, prepare design & engineering plans for salmon passage restoration projects, or conduct habitat assessments to prioritize salmon passage restoration projects
Eradicate, suppress, or contain invasive species that are known to be detrimental to salmon
Restore instream habitat through bank stabilization, revegetation, or restoration of natural channel structure, morphology, or connectivity
Estimate escapement of salmon populations utilized for subsistence
Estimate abundance of juvenile salmon in populations utilized for subsistence
Estimate harvest or other sources of mortality of salmon populations utilized for subsistence
Investigate causes of declines of salmon populations utilized for subsistence
Conduct climate impact assessments to guide the selection of future AKSSF projects
All other projects
Project Title
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Chena River Chinook Salmon Escapement – Phase 6
Invasive Northern Pike Prevention, Containment, and Eradication in Northern Cook Inlet
A Decision Analysis for Management of Elodea in Alaska
Acoustic Tagging of Chum Salmon in Norton Sound - Phase 1
Acoustic Tagging of Chum Salmon in Norton Sound - Phase 2
ACWA Grants - Year 1
ACWA Grants - Year 2
ACWA Grants - Year 3
ACWA Grants – Year 4
ACWA Grants – Year 5
ACWA Program Support - Year 1
ACWA Program Support - Year 2
Adak Boat Harbor
ADF&G Vessel Maintenance Facility - Construction
ADNR Road Condition Survey - Kenai Peninsula
Advancing the Mat-Su Salmon Habitat Partnership
AFDF: Alaska Salmon Co-Products - the Future
AFDF: Alaska Symphony of Seafood 2010
AFDF: Alaska Symphony of Seafood 2011
AFDF: Bristol Bay Salmon Quality Tracking Pilot Study
AFDF: BSAI CP Salmon-Excluder Trawl Design
AFDF: Co-Product Enhancement
AFDF: Education and Outreach FY08
AFDF: Educational Outreach
AFDF: Energy Use in Fisheries
AFDF: Gulf of Alaska Salmon Bycatch Avoidance and Reduction
AFDF: ICST 2010 Conference Sponsorship
AFDF: Juneau Direct-to-the-Public Facility Planning
AFDF: Kodiak Salmon - Renewable Power
AFDF: Perishable Handling Containter Tests
AFDF: Product Innovation and Technology
AFDF: Project Support FY08
AFDF: Project Support FY09
AFDF: Project Support FY10
AFDF: Project Support FY11
AFDF: Salmon Byproduct Documentary
AFDF: Salmon Co-Product - Phase 2
AFDF: Salmon Co-Product Enhancement and Utilization
AFDF: Salmon Education Campaign
AFDF: Salmon Offal Peat Composting Study
AFDF: Salmon Oil Product Development
AFDF: Setnet Salmon Quality Enhancement
AFDF: Symphony of Seafood 2009
Afognak Lake Sockeye Salmon Monitoring – Phase 3
Afognak Lake Sockeye Salmon Stock Monitoring and Evaluation – Phase 4
Afognak Lake Sockeye Stock Monitoring and Evaluation - Phase 1
Afognak Lake Sockeye Stock Monitoring and Evaluation – Phase 2
Age Composition of Subsistence Harvests and Total Return of Sockeye Salmon from the Kvichak River
AKSSF Program Management FFY13
AKSSF Program Management FFY15
AKSSF Program Management FFY16
AKSSF Program Management FFY17
AKSSF Program Management FFY18
AKSSF Program Management FFY19
AKSSF Program Management FFY20
AKSSF Program Management FFY21
AKSSF Program Management FFY21
AKSSF Program Management FFY22
AKSSF Program Management FFY23
AKSSF Program Management FFY24
AKSSF Stakeholder Project
Alaska Salmon Marketing Grant Program - Part 1
Alaska Salmon Marketing Grant Program - Part 2
Alaska Salmon Marketing Grant Program - Part 3
Alaska Salmon Marketing Grant Program - Part 4
Alaska Salmon Marketing Grant Program - Part 5
Alaska Salmon Price Report - Year 1
Alaska Salmon Price Report - Year 2
Alaska Salmon Sustainability Education
Alsek River Chinook Escapement
Alsek River Chinook Salmon Escapement
Alsek River Chinook Salmon Escapement Test Fishery
Alsek Sockeye
Alternative Methods Escapement Goals
Amlaga Harbor Net Pen Complex
Anadromous Cataloging and Fish Inventory in Select Chukchi Sea Drainages
Anadromous Cataloging and Fish Inventory in Select Drainages of the Upper Tanana and Yukon Rivers - 2020
Anadromous Cataloging and Fish Inventory in Select Yukon and Tanana River Drainages - 2019
Anadromous Cataloging in Bristol Bay and Shelikof Strait Drainages
Anadromous Cataloging in Western Alaska - Year 1
Anadromous Cataloging in Western Alaska – Year 2
Anadromous Waters Cataloging and Fish Inventories in Subbasins of the Copper and Bering Rivers - 2023 and 2024
Anadromous Waters Cataloging and Fish Inventories in Subbasins of the Koyukuk and Kobuk Rivers - 2022
Anchor River Salmon Habitat Protection
Anchorage Hatchery Upgrades
Anderson and Kings Lakes Invasive Northern Pike Eradication
Angler's Guide to Salmon Fishing in Alaska
Angoon Fish Buying Station
Annual Habitat Assessment Project - Southeast Alaska SEAK Module Development Component
Anvik River Sonar Project - Phase 1
Anvik River Sonar Project – Phase 2
Anvik River Sonar Project – Phase 3
Anvik River Sonar Project - Phase 4
ASLC: Education and Outreach - Restoring and Enhancing Salmon Runs at Resurrection Bay
ASLC: Educational Display that Demonstrates the Complex Natural History of Salmon
ASLC: Restore Salmon Runs at Resurrection Bay - Year 1
ASLC: Restore Salmon Runs at Resurrection Bay - Year 2
ASLC: Restore Salmon Runs at Resurrection Bay - Year 3
ASLC: Restore Salmon Runs at Resurrection Bay - Year 4
ASLC: Salmon Exhibit Tank Inserts
ASMI Wild Alaska Salmon Campaign
Assessing Thermal Habitat Variability to Identify Refugia in SE Alaska Subsistence Salmon Watersheds
Assessing Thermal Sensitivities of Salmon Habitats in the Cook Inlet, Copper River, and Prince William Sound Watersheds
Associate of Applied Science in Fisheries Technology Program
Atlantic Salmon and Invasive Species Prevention - Part 3
Auke Creek Salmonid Population Monitoring - Year 1
Auke Creek Salmonid Population Monitoring - Year 2
Auke Creek Salmonid Population Monitoring - Year 3
Auke Creek Salmonid Population Monitoring – Year 4
Auke Lake Sockeye Spawning Habitat Assessment - Phase 1
Auke Lake Sockeye Spawning Habitat Assessment - Phase 2
Autonomous Salmon Lake Mapping
AVI: Afognak River Tributary Fish Passage
AVI: Cape Chiniak Culvert Replacement
AVI: Cascade Creek Fish Passage Enhancement
AVI: Port Lions Habitat Protection
AVI: Salmon Enhancement/Restoration Technical Assistance
AVI: Summit Lake Stream Crossing
AWC Catalog Inventories in Southeast Alaska
AYK Chinook Salmon: Sex-Specific Growth and Effects on Escapement Quality
AYK SSI Expert Panel Priority 8
AYK: Alaska Native Science and Engineering Program - Phase 1
AYK: Alaska Native Science and Engineering Program -Phase 2
AYK: AYK SSI Research Planning and Proposal Review FY10
AYK: Biological Sampling of Yukon River Salmon
AYK: Capacity Development and Community Involvement
AYK: Characteristics of Kuskokwim Fall Chum
AYK: Clear Creek Chum Ecology
AYK: Climate-Ocean Effects on Chinook Salmon - Phase 1
AYK: Climate-Ocean Effects on Chinook Salmon - Phase 2
AYK: Climate-Ocean Effects on Chinook Salmon – Phase 3
AYK: Digital Scale Data for AYK Chinook
AYK: Ecology and Demographics of Chinook Salmon - Phase 1
AYK: Ecology and Demographics of Chinook Salmon - Phase 2
AYK: Ecology and Demographics of Chinook Salmon – Phase 3
AYK: Ecology and Demographics of Chinook Salmon – Phase 4
AYK: Ecotypic Variation in AYK Sockeye - Phase 1
AYK: Ecotypic Variation in AYK Sockeye - Phase 2
AYK: Effective Population Size
AYK: Energy Estimation of Yukon Chinook
AYK: Experimental Design Principle Project Review
AYK: Factors Affecting Juvenile AYK Chum - Part I
AYK: Factors Affecting Juvenile AYK Chum - Part II
AYK: Fall Chum Distribution in the Upper Tanana River - Phase 1
AYK: Fall Chum Distribution in the Upper Tanana River - Phase 2
AYK: Fecundity of Yukon Chinook
AYK: Fish River Production Models Testing - Phase 1
AYK: Fish River Production Models Testing - Phase 2
AYK: Future Climate/Habitat of AYK Ecosystems
AYK: Genetic Analysis of Immature Chum - Phase 1
AYK: Genetic Analysis of Immature Chum - Phase 2
AYK: Genetic Analysis of Immature Chum - Phase 3
AYK: Genetic Analysis of Immature Chum - Phase 4
AYK: Genetic Variation in Norton Sound Chum
AYK: Heritability of Traits in Wild Chinook Salmon - Phase 1
AYK: Heritability of Traits in Wild Chinook Salmon - Phase 2
AYK: Heritability of Traits in Wild Chinook Salmon - Phase 3
AYK: Historical Analysis of AYK and Asian Chum - Phase 1
AYK: Historical Analysis of AYK and Asian Chum - Phase 2
AYK: Human Systems and Sustainable Salmon
AYK: Juvenile Salmon Dispersal Drifter Base View - Phase 1
AYK: Juvenile Salmon Dispersal Drifter Base View - Phase 2
AYK: Juvenile Salmon Dispersal Drifter Base View - Phase 3
AYK: Juvenile Salmon Migration in Kwethluk River - Part I
AYK: Juvenile Salmon Migration in Kwethluk River - Part II
AYK: Kogrukluk River Weir Component Relocation
AYK: Kuskokwim Chinook Salmon Run Reconstruction - Part I
AYK: Kuskokwim Chinook Salmon Run Reconstruction - Part II
AYK: Kuskokwim River Chum Fry Outmigration
AYK: Kuskokwim River Coho - Phase 1
AYK: Kuskokwim River Coho - Phase 2
AYK: Kuskokwim River Coho – Phase 3
AYK: Kuskokwim River Coho Genetics
AYK: Kuskokwim Salmon Population Estimates
AYK: Kuskokwim Salmon Subsistence Surveys
AYK: Kuskokwim Sockeye Salmon Investigations - Part I
AYK: Kuskokwim Sockeye Salmon Investigations - Part II
AYK: Landscape Genetics of AYK Salmon Populations
AYK: Landscape Predictors of Coho Salmon - Phase 1
AYK: Landscape Predictors of Coho Salmon – Phase 2
AYK: Local Traditional Knowledge and Norton Sound Salmon - Part I
AYK: Local Traditional Knowledge and Norton Sound Salmon - Part II
AYK: LTK and Norton Sound Salmon -Part 1, Phase 2
AYK: Methods for Setting AYK Escapement
AYK: National Academy of Sciences - Analysis and Review
AYK: National Research Council - Retrospective Analysis of AYK Chinook Growth
AYK: Natural Indicators of Salmon Run Timing and Abundance - Part I
AYK: Natural Indicators of Salmon Run Timing and Abundance - Part II
AYK: Nome River Coho - Phase 1
AYK: Nome River Coho - Phase 2
AYK: Nome River Coho - Phase 3
AYK: Nome Watershed Habitat Restoration Framework
AYK: Norton Sound Chinook Growth and Production
AYK: Norton Sound Population
AYK: Norton Sound Subsistence Patterns and Trends
AYK: Productivity of Kuskokwim Juvenile Coho
AYK: Rapids Student Data Collection - Phase 1
AYK: Region Management and Support - Year 1
AYK: Region Management and Support - Year 2
AYK: Research Planning and Proposal Review FY09
AYK: Research Planning and Review - FY11
AYK: Retrospective Analyses of Chum and Coho
AYK: Risk Assessment - Phase 1
AYK: Risk Assessment - Phase 2
AYK: Salmon Research Planning Support - Phase 1
AYK: Salmon Research Planning Support - Phase 2
AYK: Satellite-Derived Environmental Database
AYK: Selective Fishery Yukon Chinook Impacts
AYK: Seward Peninsula Sockeye - Phase 1
AYK: Seward Peninsula Sockeye - Phase 2
AYK: Shared Chum Baseline Gap Analysis
AYK: Stock-Specific Forecast of AYK Chinook Salmon
AYK: Stream Temp Salmon - Norton Sound
AYK: U.S. Geological Survey - Retrospective Analysis of AYK Chinook Growth
AYK: Unalakleet Chum Telemetry
AYK: Unalakleet Coho Abundance and Spawning
AYK: Uncertainty Analysis for Chum Biological Escapement Goals
AYK: Upper Yukon River Anadromous Waters Cataloging
AYK: Yukon Chinook Telemetry and Mark-Recapture
AYK: Yukon Chum Telemetry
AYK: Yukon, Kuskokwim, and Kotzebue Data
BBSRI: A Historical Review of the Bristol Bay Sockeye Salmon Smolt Program and Field Studies in 2006
BBSRI: Alagnak River Watershed Ecological Research and Monitoring Program
BBSRI: Characterize the Distribution, Run Timing, and Abundance of Nushagak River Chinook and Sockeye Salmon Using Radio Telemetry
BBSRI: Egegik River Sonar
BBSRI: Engineering Improvements for Bristol Bay Sonar
BBSRI: Genetic Stock Identification Research for Bristol Bay Sockeye Salmon
BBSRI: Modifications to the Bristol Bay Smolt Sonar System
BBSRI: Port Moller Sonar Development - Phase 1
BBSRI: Port Moller Sonar Development - Phase 2
BBSRI: Port Moller Sonar Modification 2011
BBSRI: Ugashik River Sonar
Bean Creek Fish Passage Restoration
Beaver Creek Fish Passage Improvement
Big Lake Area Fish Passage Improvement
Big Lake Barrier Optimization Model
Big Lake Spawning Distribution
Bing’s Landing KRSMA Riverbank Restoration
Biologist in Training at Auke Weir
Biotic Evaluation of Fish Passage
Birch and Crocker Creeks Fish Passage Improvements
Black Lake Habitat Evaluation
Blossom River Chinook Escapement - Year 1
Blossom River Chinook Escapement - Year 2
Bonanza River Chum Salmon Escapement Assessment
Bristol Bay Fishery Selection
Bristol Bay Regional Temperature Sensitivity Analysis
Bristol Bay Sockeye Productivity
BSAI/GOA Salmon Bycatch GSI
Campbell Estuary Protection
Caswell and Lucille Creeks Fish Passage Restoration
Cataloging Anadromous Water Bodies Identified in the Guide
Cataloging Anadromous Waters in the Municipality of Anchorage
Cataloging Anadromous Waters in Upper West Cook Inlet
Cataloging Anadromous Waters on Southeast Alaska Timber Lands
Cataloging New Anadromous Water Bodies on Afognak Native Corporation Lands
Cataloging New Anadromous Water Bodies on Leisnoi, Incorporated, Lands
Cataloging New Anadromous Waters on Kodiak Island Borough Lands
Cataloging New Anadromous Waters: Afognak Island
Cataloging New Anadromous Waters: Kodiak and Afognak Islands
Cataloging Prince of Wales Island Anadromous Water Bodies
Catch Composition in Bristol Bay
CC: Coffman Cove Chinook - Phase 1
CC: Coffman Cove Chinook - Phase 2
CC: Coffman Cove Chinook - Phase 3
CC: Coffman Cove Chinook – Phase 4
Chelatna Lake Pike Suppression
Chena River Chinook Escapement - Phase 1
Chena River Chinook Escapement - Phase 2
Chena River Chinook Escapement – Phase 3
Chena River Chinook Escapement – Phase 4
Chena River Chinook Escapement – Phase 5
Chickamin Chinook Mark Recapture
Chickamin River Chinook
Chickamin River Chinook and Coho Salmon Coded-Wire Tagging - Part 3
Chickamin River Chinook and Coho Salmon CWT - Part 1
Chickamin River Chinook and Coho Salmon CWT - Part 2
Chickamin River Coho Escapement - Year 2
Chickamin River Coho Escapement - Year 4
Chickamin River Coho Escapement -Year 1
Chickamin River Coho Escapement-Year 3
Chickamin River Coho Salmon Coded-Wire Tagging
Chignik and Black Lake Habitat Decline
Chignik Inseason Genetics - Phase 1
Chignik Inseason Genetics – Phase 2
Chignik Late-Season Escapement Enumeration - Phase 1
Chignik Late-Season Escapement Enumeration – Phase 2
Chignik Late-Season Escapement Enumeration – Phase 3
Chignik Management Area Subsistence
Chignik Smolt Genetics
Chignik Sockeye Smolt Migration
Chilkat Chinook Fall CWT
Chilkat Chinook-Coho CWT
Chilkat Chum Escapement
Chilkat Coho Radio Telemetry Escapement
Chilkat Fish Wheel Salmon Stock Assessment - Year 1
Chilkat Fish Wheel Salmon Stock Assessment - Year 2
Chilkat Fish Wheel Salmon Stock Assessment – Year 3
Chilkat Lake Adult Sockeye Salmon Enumeration
Chilkat Lake Sockeye Escapement
Chilkat Lake Sockeye Weir
Chilkat River Adult Coho Mark-Recapture
Chilkat River Adult Fall Chum and Coho Salmon Assessment
Chilkat River Chinook and Coho Smolt CWT
Chilkat River Chum Salmon Escapement
Chilkat River Coho Salmon CWT
Chilkat River Coho Salmon Escapement Mark-Recapture
Chilkat River Jet Boat Effect Study
Chilkat River Jet Boat Effect Study - Bank Disturbances
Chilkat River Smolt CWT - Year 1
Chilkat River Smolt CWT - Year 3
Chilkat River Smolt CWT - Year 4
Chilkat River Smolt CWT -Year 2
Chilkat Sockeye Tagging
Chilkat Stock Assessment Biologist
Chilkoot Lake Productivity Assessment
Chilkoot Lake Sockeye Salmon Escapement
Chilkoot Lake Sockeye Salmon Radio Telemetry
Chinook Encounters - Mortality
Chinook Growth: Retrospective Analysis
Chinook Model
Chinook Model - Chinook Technical Committee Co-Chair
Chinook Model Evaluation
Chinook Model Evaluation and Improvement
Chinook Parasite Effects
Chinook Salmon Growth and Survival
Chinook Sport and Net Fisheries
Chinook Troll Genetic Stock ID
Chuck Creek Coho Escapement Weir - Year 1
Chuck Creek Coho Escapement Weir - Year 2
Chuck Creek Coho Escapement Weir – Year 3
Chuck Creek Coho Escapement Weir - Year 4
Chuit River Anadromous Waters Catalog Expansion
CIAA: Salmon Enhancement - Part 1
CIAA: Salmon Enhancement - Part 2
CIAA: Salmon Enhancement - Part 3
CIAA: Salmon Enhancement - Part 4
CIAA: Salmon Enhancement Project (Fish Ladder) - Part 5
Climate Change and Hydrology
Climate Change Impacts on Salmon
Climate Effects on Chinook
Climate Warming Effects on Chinook Salmon Foraging Conditions and Growth
Coal Creek and Cottonwood Creek Fish Passage
Coded-Wire Tag Lab Support
Coded-Wire Tagging Manual
Coded-Wire Technician for Coded-Wire Tag Lab
Coho Pre-Smolt Enhancement Research
Coho Salmon Aging Validation
Collaboratively Expanding Alaska’s Anadromous Waters Catalog – Phase 2
Collaboratively Expanding Alaska’s Anadromous Waters Catalog - Phase 1
Collaboratively Expanding Alaska's Anadromous Waters Catalog – Phase 3
Completion of MSC 2007-2008 Annual Surveillance Audit
Cook Inlet Sockeye GSI
Copper River Chinook GSI
Copper River Sockeye Radio Telemetry
Craig: Alaska King Salmon Project
Craig: Port St. Nicholas Hatchery
Crescent Lake Sockeye Escapement Estimation
CRITFC - Columbia Hatchery Assessment
CRITFC - Deschutes River Fall Chinook Feasibility
CRITFC - Deschutes Salmon Count Strategy
CRITFC - Federal Energy Regulatory Commission: Hanford Reach
CRITFC - Mid-Columbia Summer Chinook
CRITFC Stock Assessment and Research - Upper Columbia River Chinook
CRITFC: Stock Assessment and Research Plan for Mid-Columbia River Summer Chinook - Part 1
CRITFC: Stock Assessment and Research Plan for Mid-Columbia River Summer Chinook - Part 2
Crystal Lake Hatchery Chinook Production - Year 1
Crystal Lake Hatchery Chinook Production - Year 2
Crystal Lake Hatchery Chinook Production - Year 3
CTC Biometrician II - Year 1
CTC Biometrician II - Year 3
CTC Biometrician II - Year 4
CTC Biometrician II - Year 5
CTC Biometrician II – Year 6
CTC Biometrician II -Year 2
Data Links - Southeast Alaska Limnology Database
DCCED: Asian Salmon Marketing
DCCED: Boston Seafood Show - Southeast Alaska Event
DCCED: Canned Salmon Export Aid Demonstration Project
DCCED: Fisheries Revitalization Strategy Program Analysis
DEC Fish Tissue Sampling
DEC Watershed Stewardship and Wetlands Assessment for Southeast Salmon
DEC: Fish Safety Monitoring - Phase 2
DEC: Fish Safety Monitoring - Phase 3
DEC: Laboratory Equipment
Deer Mountain Tribal Hatchery Educational Raceway
Developing Tools to Assess Pike Control
DIDSON-Based Chinook Assessment
DIPAC: Chum Salmon Rearing Strategies
Disappearance Creek Chum Weir - Year 1
Disappearance Creek Chum Weir - Year 2
District 101 Sockeye Stock ID
District 111 Sockeye Stock Identification - Year 1
District 111 Sockeye Stock Identification - Year 2
DNR Canadian Mine Review - Phase 1
DNR Canadian Mine Review - Phase 2
DNR Canadian Mine Review - Phase 3
DNR Canadian Mine Review - Phase 4
Documenting Anadromous Waters in Northern Southeast Alaska
Documenting Anadromous Waters in Southern Southeast Alaska
Domestication Selection in Southeast Chinook
Drivers and Diversity of Chinook Salmon Populations in the AYK Region
East Ohmer Creek Restoration
Effects of Hatchery Strays on Wild Chinook Salmon
Egegik Catch Genetics ID
Eklutna River Lower Dam Removal
Elodea Eradication in the Alexander Creek Drainage - 2020
Elodea Eradication in the Alexander Creek Drainage - 2022
Elodea Eradication in the Alexander Creek Drainage – 2023
English Bay Lakes Sockeye Enumeration
Enhanced Habitat Management
Enhanced Monitoring of Metapopulations of Chinook Salmon in Western Cook Inlet and Western Alaska Using Mapped DNA Markers
Eradicating Invasive Plants that Threaten Salmon and Steelhead Habitat in the City and Borough of Juneau
Eradicating Invasive Plants that Threaten Salmon and Steelhead Habitat in the City and Borough of Juneau - Phase 2
Estimating Escapement of Chilkat River Chinook Salmon Using Transgenerational Mark-Recapture
Estimating the Inriver Abundance of Copper River Chinook Salmon
Estimation of McLees Lake Sockeye Salmon Escapement and Subsistence Salmon Harvest Update for Unalaska, 2022–2023
Evaluate Mass Mark Technology
Evaluating Factors Related to Inriver Adult Mortality in Copper River Sockeye Salmon
Evaluating Ichthyophonus-Associated Mortality of Yukon River Canadian-Origin Chinook Salmon
Evaluation of Regional Chum Survival
Expanding and Corroborating the Known Extent of Anadromous Waters Throughout the Kenai Peninsula
Extending the Anadromous Waters Catalog in the Kenai Lowlands
Fairbanks Restoration Workshop
Fairbanks Sport Fish Hatchery Study and Design - Phase 2
Fairbanks Sport Fish Hatchery Study and Design - Phase I
Fire Creek Drainage Invasive Northern Pike Eradication
Fish Passage - Kenai River Tributary
Fish Passage Improvement - Doghouse and Swan Creeks
Fish Passage Improvement - Mink Creek
Fish Passage Improvement - Slikok Creek
Fish Passage Restoration - Coal Creek
Fish Passage Restoration on Indian Creek and Old Tyonek Creek in Western Cook Inlet
Fish Passage Restoration Project Development
Fish Passage Restoration Project Monitoring
Fish Passage Retrofit - Duncan Drive
Fish Safety Monitoring - Phase 1
Fish Trapping on the Kenai Peninsula
Fisheries Economic Development Grant Program - Part 1
Fisheries Economic Development Grant Program - Part 2
Fisheries Economic Development Grant Program - Part 3
Fisheries Economic Development Grant Program - Part 4
Fisheries Economic Development Grant Program - Part 5
Fisheries Education Signage at Sitka Harbor
Fisheries Long Term Business Plan
Fisheries Project and Issues Coordination
Fisheries Project and Issues Coordination - Phase 1
Fisheries Project and Issues Coordination - Phase 2
Fisheries Project and Issues Coordination - Phase 3
Fisheries Project and Issues Coordination - Phase 4
Fisheries Project and Issues Coordination - Phase 5
Fisheries Scientist - Sport Fish Division
Ford Arm Lake Coho and Sockeye - Year 1
Ford Arm Lake Coho and Sockeye - Year 2
Gastineau Channel/Sheep Creek Net Pen Complex
Genetic Analysis of Chinook Bycatch
Genetic Analysis of Wild Coho Before and After Local Enhancement
Genetic Diversity of Southwestern Kodiak Sockeye
Genetic Stock Composition of Copper River Commercial Chinook Salmon Harvests
Genetics of Copper River Sockeye
Genetics of Westward Chum Salmon
GSI of Taku River Sockeye Salmon
Gulkana River Chinook Escapement - Phase 1
Gulkana River Chinook Escapement – Phase 2
Gulkana River Chinook Salmon Distribution
Gulkana River Sockeye Contribution
Gustavus Fish Passage Improvement
Habitat Database Field Verification and Reporting
Haines Office/Lab Upgrades/Replacement - Year 1
Haines Office/Lab Upgrades/Replacement - Year 2
Haines Office/Lab Upgrades/Replacement -Year 3
Haines Office/Lab Upgrades/Replacement -Year 4
Haines Salmon Habitat Assessment - Year 1
Haines Salmon Habitat Assessment - Year 2
Haines Salmon Habitat Assessment – Year 3
Hanford Reach Chinook Migration and Survival
Harvest Patterns in Angoon and Hoonah Subsistence Salmon Fisheries
Harvest Trends in Chilkat Chinook Salmon
Hatchery Chum Salmon Straying - Year 1
Hatchery Chum Salmon Straying - Year 2
Hatchery Salmon Straying in Prince William Sound
Headwater Stream Rearing Habitat - Phase 1
Headwater Stream Rearing Habitat – Phase 2
Hetta and Eek Lake Habitat Mapping
Hewitt and Whiskey Lake Pike Suppression
Hidden Creek Fish Passage Improvement
Hidden Creek Headwall
Hidden Falls Hatchery Expansion - Chum Salmon
Hidden Falls Hatchery Expansion – Coho
High Resolution SNPs for Chinook
High Resolution SNPs for Sockeye
Homer Restoration Workshop and Access
Homogeneity of Chinook in Trawls
Hugh Smith Sockeye Adult and Juvenile Sampling - Year 1
Hugh Smith Sockeye Adult and Juvenile Sampling - Year 2
Hugh Smith Sockeye Adult and Juvenile Sampling - Year 3
Hugh Smith Sockeye Adult and Juvenile Sampling - Year 4
Hydrologic and Adjudication Support: Southeast - Phase 1
Hydrologic and Adjudication Support: Southeast - Phase 2
Hydrologic and Adjudication Support: Southeast - Phase 3
Hydrologic and Adjudication Support: Southeast - Phase 4
Hydrologic and Adjudication Support: Southeast – Phase 5
Hydrologic and Adjudication Support: Southeast – Phase 6
Identification and Protection of Marine Habitat Zones
Identifying Anadromous Fish Streams on the Gulf Coast
Implementing Fish Passage Improvements at Cop 1 and Cop 33 on the Copper River Delta
Improve Salmon Forecast Accuracy
Improved Genetic Baselines for Chinook and Chum Salmon in Western Alaska
Improvements for Bycatch Analysis of Chinook
Improving Escapement Estimates for Southeast Alaska Pink Salmon Stocks
Increased Remote Release of Chum Salmon - Neets and Anita Bays
Indian Creek Fish Passage – ARRC Milepost 88.1
Information Development and Exchanges
Inriver Abundance of Copper River Chinook Salmon, a Comparison of Mark-Recapture and Sonar-Based Abundance Estimate Methods and Results
Instream Flow and Other Salmon Habitat Needs
Instream Flow on Stariski Creek
Instream Flow Protection (Reservation Prioritization): Southeast - Phase 1
Instream Flow Protection: AYK - Year 1
Instream Flow Protection: AYK - Year 2
Instream Flow Protection: AYK - Year 3
Instream Flow Protection: AYK - Year 4
Instream Flow Protection: Nome Area
Instream Flow Protection: Southeast – Phase 10
Instream Flow Protection: Southeast – Phase 11
Instream Flow Protection: Southeast – Phase 12
Instream Flow Protection: Southeast – Phase 13
Instream Flow Protection: Southeast - Phase 14
Instream Flow Protection: Southeast – Phase 15
Instream Flow Protection: Southeast – Phase 16
Instream Flow Protection: Southeast - Phase 17
Instream Flow Protection: Southeast – Phase 18
Instream Flow Protection: Southeast - Phase 2
Instream Flow Protection: Southeast - Phase 3
Instream Flow Protection: Southeast - Phase 4
Instream Flow Protection: Southeast - Phase 5
Instream Flow Protection: Southeast - Phase 6
Instream Flow Protection: Southeast - Phase 7
Instream Flow Protection: Southeast – Phase 8
Instream Flow Protection: Southeast – Phase 9
Instream Flow Protection: Southwest Alaska - Phase 1
Instream Flow Protection: Southwest Alaska - Phase 2
Instream Flow Technical Support
Integrating Local and Traditional Ecological Knowledge into Anadromous Waters Cataloging and Fish Inventories of Select Drainages of the Tanana and Yukon Rivers: 2021 - 2022
Invasive Northern Pike Eradication from the Miller Creek Drainage
Invasive Northern Pike Suppression - Phase 1
Invasive Northern Pike Suppression – Phase 2
Invasive Species
Jordan Creek Coho Monitoring
Juvenile Salmon Body Condition and Freshwater Prey Availability in Cook Inlet, Prince William Sound, and Copper River
Kachemak Salmon Habitat Conservation
Kake Lakes Project
Kanalku Creek Subsistence Sockeye Stock Assessment - Phase 1
Kanalku Creek Subsistence Sockeye Stock Assessment - Phase 2
Karluk Lake Limnology
Karluk Sockeye Salmon Smolt Genetic Identification
Karluk Sockeye Smolt
Karta River Sockeye Assessment Project
Kasaan Stream Habitat Mapping - Phase 1
Kasaan Stream Habitat Mapping - Phase 2
Kasaan Stream Habitat Mapping - Phase 3
Kasilof River SRS Riverbank Restoration
Kenai Mountains to Sea: Using Thermal Infrared Imagery to Implement Long-Term Salmon Conservation
Kenai Peninsula Dam Evaluation
Kenai Peninsula Fish Passage 2010-2011
Kenai Peninsula Fish Passage 2012
Kenai River Smolt Abundance - Phase 3
Kenai River Streambank Restoration on the Mullen Conservation Easement
Ketchikan and Southeast Alaska Salmon Wastes and Utilization Studies
Klag Lake Subsistence Sockeye
Klawock Causeway Fish Passage
Klawock Sockeye Salmon Commercial Harvest
Kodiak Comprehensive Salmon Plan
KRSA: Additions to Anadromous Streams Catalog
KRSA: Analysis of Size - Selective Kenai King Salmon Fisheries and Regulations
KRSA: Centennial Angler Access
KRSA: Daves Creek Habitat Restoration
KRSA: Evaluation of Culvert Influence on Seasonal Movements of Juvenile Salmonids in a Kenai River Tributary
KRSA: Evaluation of Kenai River Streambank Restoration
KRSA: Flow Monitoring Kenai River Tributaries
KRSA: Instream Flow Protection for the Middle Kenai River
KRSA: Kenai Habitat Restoration Evaluation and Strategy
KRSA: Kenai Peninsula College Fish Habitat
KRSA: Kenai River Chinook Genetics Baseline
KRSA: Kenai River Chinook Salmon GSI
KRSA: Kenai River DIDSON Sonar Evaluation
KRSA: Kenai River Educational Radio Transmitter
KRSA: Kenai River Salmon Stock Delineation
KRSA: Kenai River Smolt Abundance - Phase 1
KRSA: Kenai River Smolt Abundance -Phase 2
KRSA: Kenai River Sockeye Salmon Inriver Abundance - Phase 1
KRSA: Kenai River Sockeye Salmon Inriver Abundance - Phase 2
KRSA: Kenai River Watershed Assessment
KRSA: Reconstruction of the Upper Russian River Sockeye Late Run
KRSA: Russian River Bank Protection and Rehabilitation
KRSA: Russian River Ferry Crossing
KRSA: Slikok Creek Restoration
KRSA: Soldotna Classic Fishwalk - Phase 1
KRSA: Soldotna Classic Fishwalk - Phase 2
KRSA: Soldotna Classic Fishwalk - Phase 3
KRSA: Soldotna Classic Fishwalk - Phase 4
KRSA: Soldotna Classic Fishwalk - Stairs
KRSA: Stream Bank Restoration: Kenai Cost Share - Phase 1
KRSA: Temperature Monitoring Kenai River Tributaries
Kuiu Island Stream Restoration
Kuskokwim Chum Tagging Effects
Kuskokwim River Sockeye Salmon – Phase 1
Kuskokwim River Sockeye Salmon – Phase 2
Kvichak Sockeye Smolt Study - Phase 1
Kvichak Sockeye Smolt Study - Phase 2
Kvichak Sockeye Sonar Assessment
Kvichak Watershed Habitat Conservation – Phase 2
KWC: 6000 Road Culvert Replacement/Fish Passage
KWC: Creeks Water Quality Study
KWC: Erosion Controls
KWC: Habitat Protection and Restoration
KWC: Habitat Protection and Restoration - Phase 2
KWC: Hatchery Creek Erosion and Sediment Control
KWC: Klawock River Trail
KWC: Klawock Watershed Intern
KWC: Klawock Watershed Master Plan Update 2008
KWC: Klawock Watershed Project - Phase I
KWC: Klawock Watershed Project - Phase II
KWC: Outreach and Education
KWC: Southeast Klawock Lake Area Roadway Management Project
KWC: Stream Survey and Assesment
KWC: Three Mile Basin Roads
KWC: Three Mile Basin Roadway Management and Erosion Control Project
Legislative Salmon Task Force
Linkages Between Habitat Quality and Productivity of Afognak Lake Sockeye
Lower Copper River Chinook Baseline
Lower Kuskokwim River Inseason Estimation of Chinook Salmon Subsistence Harvest
Mainland Rivers Watershed - Year 1
Mainland Rivers Watershed - Year 2
Mapping the Spatial and Temporal Thermal Trends of the Kuskokwim and Aniak Rivers
Margaret Creek Restoration
Marine Advisory Program Small Business Assistance
Marine Stewardship Council 2003 Surveillance Audit
Marine Stewardship Council 2004 and 2005 Surveillance Audits
Marine Stewardship Council 2005 Recertification
Marine Stewardship Council 2007-2008 Annual Surveillance Audit
Marine Stewardship Council Certification of Sustainable Salmon
Mark, Tag, and Age Lab Support - Year 1
Mark, Tag, and Age Lab Support - Year 2
Mark, Tag, and Age Lab Support - Year 3
Mark, Tag, and Age Lab Support – Year 4
Mark, Tag, and Age Lab Support – Year 5
Mark, Tag, and Age Lab Support - Year 6
Martin River and Bering River Water Rights
Matanuska River Spawning Distribution/Big Lake Assessment
Matanuska-Susitna Borough Fish Passage Restoration
Mat-Su Basin AWC - Year 1
Mat-Su Basin AWC – Year 2
Mat-Su Basin Fish Passage Inventory
Mat-Su Fish Habitat Restoration Workshop
Mat-Su Fish Passage Effectiveness Monitoring
Mat-Su Fish Passage Restoration
Mat-Su Instream Flow Protection - Year 1
Mat-Su Instream Flow Protection - Year 2
Mat-Su Instream Flow Protection - Year 3
Mat-Su Instream Flow Protection - Year 4
Mat-Su Salmon Habitat Management
Mat-Su Stormwater Assessment
McDonald Lake Sockeye Escapement Estimation
McDonald Lake Sockeye GSI - Year 1
McDonald Lake Sockeye GSI - Year 2
McDonald Lake Sockeye GSI - Year 3
McLees Lake Escapement Monitoring - Phase 1
McLees Lake Escapement Monitoring - Phase 2
MDN and Growth of Juvenile Salmon - Phase 1
MDN and Growth of Juvenile Salmon - Phase 2
Medvejie Chum Salmon Expansion
Metlakatla Tamgass Hatchery
MOA: Anchorage Creeks - Community Development Manager
MOA: Campbell Creek Fish Habitat Rehabilitation
MOA: Campbell Creek Fish Habitat Rehabilitation - Phase 2, Part A
MOA: Campbell Creek Fish Habitat Rehabilitation - Phase 2, Part B
MOA: Campbell Creek Gaging Station
MOA: Chester Creek Aquatic Ecosystem Restoration - Phase 1, Part 1
MOA: Chester Creek Aquatic Ecosystem Restoration - Phase II, Part I
MOA: Chester Creek Aquatic Restoration - Phase 1, Part 2
MOA: Chester Creek Aquatic Restoration - Phase 2, Part 2
MOA: Fish Passage Barrier Analysis of Ship, Chester, and Campbell Creeks
MOA: Little Campbell Fish Passage Improvement
MOA: Salmon Habitat Outreach and Education
MOA: Salmon Habitat Restoration
MOA: Salmon in the City Stewardship Initiative - ADF&G
MOA: Salmon in the City Stewardship Initiative - DNR
MOA: Salmon in the City Stewardship Initiative - MOA
MOA: Ship Creek Fish Passage - Phase 1
MOA: Ship Creek Fish Passage - Phase II
MOA: Ship Creek Fishing Access
MOA: Ship Creek Restoration and Access Project - Schedule C, Part 1
MOA: Ship Creek Restoration and Access Project - Schedule C, Part 3
MOA: Ship Creek Restoration and Access Project -Schedule C, Part 2
MOA: Water Quality Monitoring and Education
Mobile Northern Pike Suppression Crew
Mobile Northern Pike Suppression Crew – 2024-2026
Monitoring Coho Salmon Smolt Yield
Monitoring Metapopulations of Chinook Salmon in the Kuskokwim and Nushagak Drainages - Phase 1
Monitoring Metapopulations of Chinook Salmon in the Kuskokwim and Nushagak Drainages - Phase 2
Naknek River Subsistence Salmon Harvest Assessment
Nakwasina River Coho Coded-Wire Tag Project
Nakwasina River Coho Escapement - Year 1
Nakwasina River Coho Escapement - Year 3
Nakwasina River Coho Escapement - Year 4
Nakwasina River Coho Escapement – Year 5
Nakwasina River Coho Escapement -Year 2
National Consumer Education Campaign
Natural Indicators of Salmon Run Timing and Abundance – Part III
NBTBR Sockeye Port Sampling
NBTBR Sockeye Stock ID - Year 1
NBTBR Sockeye Stock ID – Year 2
NBTBR Sockeye Stock ID - Year 3
NBTBR Sockeye Stock ID – Year 4
Nearshore Habitat Survey
Nearshore Habitat: Assessment and Stewardship
Neklason and Lynda Lakes Fish Passage Improvements
Nenana Salmon Tissue Collections
Nome River Coho – Phase 4
Non-Natal Stream Use by Juvenile Chinook Salmon
North Boundary Sockeye Districts 101/4
Northern Bering Sea Juvenile Chinook Salmon Survey - 2017
Northern Bering Sea Juvenile Chinook Salmon Survey - 2019
Northern Bering Sea Surface Trawl and Ecosystem Survey – 2023
Northern Bering Sea Surface Trawl Survey - 2021
Northern Bering Sea Surface Trawl Survey - 2022
Northern Boundary Area Sockeye: Pre and In-Season Forecasting
Northern Boundary Sockeye Stock ID - Part 1
Northern Boundary Sockeye Stock ID - Part 2
Northern Boundary Sockeye Stock ID - Part 3
Northern Cook Inlet Chinook Salmon Marine Harvest
Northern Cook Inlet Chinook Weirs – Phase 2
Northern Cook Inlet Chinook Weirs: Phase 1
Northern Cook Inlet GSI
Northern Tlingit Salmon Fishing
NSRAA: Sawmill Cove Hatchery - Phase 1
NSRAA: Sawmill Cove Hatchery - Phase 2
Nushagak Chinook Genetics Baseline
Nushagak Chinook Productivity
Nushagak River Chinook Evaluation
Ocean Policy Coordinator
Oceans and Watersheds Symposium
Old Tyonek Creek Tributary Culvert Survey and Design
Otolith Marking at Gunnuk Creek Hatchery
Outreach and Education Grant Program – Year 1
Outreach and Education Grant Program - Year 2
Pacific Salmon Information Exchanges - Year 1
Pacific Salmon Information Exchanges - Year 2
Pacific Salmon Management Support Personnel
Pacific Salmon Treaty Specialist
Parentage of Supplemented Sockeye - Year 1
Parentage of Supplemented Sockeye – Year 2
Pasagshak Escapement Monitoring - Phase 1
Pasagshak Escapement Monitoring - Phase 2
Pasagshak Escapement Monitoring - Phase 3
Pasagshak Escapement Monitoring – Phase 4
Pasagshak Escapement Monitoring – Phase 5
Pats Creek Restoration
Pauls Bay Sockeye Salmon Stock Assessment
PCSRF Accounting Assistance
PCSRF Accounting Assistance - Year 5
PCSRF Accounting Assistance Year 6
PCSRF Technical Assistance - Economics
PCSRF Technical Assistance - Industry Plan
PCSRF Technical Assistance - Planning
PCSRF Technical Assistance - Year 1
PCSRF Technical Assistance - Year 2
PCSRF Technical Assistance – Year 4
PCSRF Technical Assistance - Year 5
PCSRF Technical Assistance - Year 8
PCSRF Technical Assistance FFY06
PCSRF Technical Assistance FFY07
PCSRF Technical Assistance FFY08
PCSRF Technical Assistance FFY09
PCSRF Technical Assistance FFY09 SFY15
PCSRF Technical Assistance FFY10
PCSRF Technical Assistance FFY11
PCSRF Technical Assistance FFY12
PCSRF Technical Assistance FFY14
PCSRF Technical Assistance Year 6
Petersburg Area Chum Salmon Fry Rearing Investigations
Peterson Creek Fish Passage Culvert Improvements
Peterson Creek Fish Passage Culvert Improvements at Wachusetts Street - Phase 1
Peterson Creek Fish Passage Culvert Improvements at Wachusetts Street – Phase 2
Phase III Southeast Regional Comprehensive Salmon Plan
Pike Control Investigations - Phase 1
Pike Control Investigations - Phase 2
Pilot Station Sonar Acoustic Tags
Porcupine Area Salmon Assessment
Port Armstrong Chum
Port Armstrong Coho Expansion
Port Graham and Nanwalek Subsistence Fishery Harvest Monitoring
Port Heiden Subsistence Fishery Harvest Monitoring
Port Moller Salmon Test Fishery
POWHA Coho Production - Years 2 and 3
POWHA: Coho Production - Year 1
POWHA: Klawock Weir Improvements
POWHA: Sockeye Enhancement
Pre and In-Season Estimates of Coho Salmon Run Timing
Predation on Wild and Hatchery Chum Fry
Prediction Model: Yukon River Chinook
Preliminary Salmon Habitat Condition Assessment
Pre-processing Chum DNA
Prince of Wales Landscape Assessment, Anadromous Waters Cataloging, and Stream Mapping Support
Professional Training - Commercial Fisheries Division
Professional Training - Sport Fish Division
Protecting Salmon From RCG - Phase 1
Protecting Salmon from RCG - Phase 3
Protecting Salmon from RCG (Slikok/Kenai) - Phase 2
Protecting Salmon Habitat By Eradicating Invasive Elodea Infestations in Interior Alaska and Mat-Su Regions
PSFMC: Atlantic Salmon and Invasive Species Prevention - Part 1
PSFMC: Atlantic Salmon and Invasive Species Prevention - Part 2
PWS and CI Sockeye Growth and Climate
Rapids Student Data Collection - Phase 2
Refine Optimum Escapement Goals for Sockeye, Chinook, and Coho Salmon
Refining SEAK Pink Salmon Forecast
Remote Video Escapement
Restoration Projects Demo - Part 1
Restoration Projects Demo - Part 2
Restoring Connectivity for Chinook and Coho Salmon in the Little Tonsina River (Bridge 568)
Restoring Fish Passage in Goose Meadow Creek, Copper River Delta
Restoring Fish Passage in Odiak Watershed
Resurrection Creek Salmon Habitat Restoration
Road Condition/Fish Passage Monitoring - Year 1
Road Condition/Fish Passage Monitoring - Year 2
Road Condition/Fish Passage Monitoring - Year 3
Road Condition/Fish Passage Monitoring - Year 4
Road Condition/Fish Passage Monitoring - Year 5
Rose Inlet Creek Fish Passage Restoration
Run Timing and Spawning Distribution of Copper River Chinook Salmon – Phase 2
Run Timing and Spawning Distribution of Copper River Chinook Salmon - Phase 1
Run Timing, Spawning Distribution, and Inriver Survival of Copper River Sockeye Salmon - 2024–2025
Salcha River Chinook Salmon Escapement - Phase 1
Salcha River Chinook Salmon Escapement – Phase 2
Salmon Aerial Surveys - Year 1
Salmon Aerial Surveys - Year 2
Salmon Aerial Surveys - Year 3
Salmon Aerial Surveys - Year 4
Salmon Aerial Surveys – Year 5
Salmon Aerial Surveys – Year 6
Salmon Aerial Surveys – Year 7
Salmon Education Needs Assessment
Salmon Escapement Database Integration
Salmon Fresh Express
Salmon Habitat – Stream Temperature
Salmon Habitat Prediction Model
Salmon Habitat Surveys in Lakes and Streams - Part 1
Salmon Habitat Surveys in Lakes and Streams - Part 2
Salmon Habitat Surveys in Lakes and Streams - Part 3
Salmon Habitat Surveys in Lakes and Streams - Part 4
Salmon Habitats of the Taku River - Year 1
Salmon Habitats of the Taku River – Year 2
Salmon Lake Coho Stock Assessment
Salmon Publication and Teacher's Guide
Salmon Publication and Teacher's Guide Distribution
Salmon Rearing Habitat Restoration
Salmon Stock Assessment Support
Science-Based Land Conservation
Scientific Fisheries Systems Riverine Sonar
SEAKFHP Coordinator
SECM Sampling and Pink Forecasting
Sediment Transport - Lower Ship Creek
Sentinel Habitat Use of Headwater Streams by Salmon
Sex Marker for Yukon River Salmon
SFS: Peer-Reviewed Results of SciFish Sonar Evaluation
Shared Chum Baseline Development
Sheldon Jackson Water Quality
Sheldon Jackson Wetlab
Shelikof Creek Stream Restoration
Shell Lake Northern Pike Suppression
Shifting the Baseline for Salmon Escapement Goals: Causes and Solutions
Sitkoh Restoration Partnership
Situk Area Coho Research
Situk Lagoon Coho CWT
Situk River Weir
Situk Weir Chinook-Sockeye
Slikok Creek Critical Habitat
Slikok Creek Flow Protection
Slippery Creek Coho
SNP Panels for Chinook Salmon
Sockeye Salmon Matched Scale and Biological Marker Sampling
Soldotna Creek Northern Pike Eradication - Phase 1
Soldotna Creek Northern Pike Eradication – Phase 2
Southcentral Hydrologic and Adjudication Support - Year 1
Southcentral Hydrologic and Adjudication Support – Year 2
Southeast Alaska Chinook Genetics
Southeast Alaska Chinook Managment Support
Southeast Alaska Chinook Salmon Port Sampling - Part 1
Southeast Alaska Chinook Salmon Port Sampling - Part 2
Southeast Alaska Chinook Salmon Port Sampling - Part 3
Southeast Alaska Chinook Salmon Port Sampling – Part 5
Southeast Alaska Chinook Salmon Port Sampling – Part 6
Southeast Alaska Chinook Salmon Port Sampling – Part 7
Southeast Alaska Chinook Salmon Port Sampling (GSI Sampling - Archiving) - Part 4
Southeast Alaska Coho Indicator Stocks
Southeast Alaska Fish Passage Inventory - Phase 1
Southeast Alaska Fish Passage Inventory - Phase 2
Southeast Alaska Marine Creel Survey
Southeast Alaska Marine Harvest Monitoring
Southeast Alaska Salmon Information System
Southeast Alaska Sockeye GSI
Southeast Alaska Sockeye Retrospective Analysis
Southeast Alaska Subsistence Sockeye Assessments - Phase 3
Southeast Alaska Subsistence Sockeye Assessments - Phase 4
Southeast Alaska Subsistence Sockeye Assessments - Phase 5
Southeast Alaska Subsistence Sockeye Assessments - Phase 6
Southeast Alaska Subsistence Sockeye Assessments (Falls and Klawock Lakes) - Phase 2
Southeast Alaska Subsistence Sockeye Assessments (Klawock) - Phase 1
Southeast Alaska Troll Logbook Program 2008
Southeast Chinook Age, Sex, and Length - Year 1
Southeast Chinook Age, Sex, and Length - Year 2
Southeast Chinook Age, Sex, and Length - Year 3
Southeast Chinook Age, Sex, and Length – Year 4
Southeast Chinook Salmon Genetic Stock Identification
Southeast Community Watershed Stewardship Councils
Southeast Community Watershed Stewardship Program
Southeast Prince of Wales Stream Habitat Mapping - Phase 1
Southeast Prince of Wales Stream Habitat Mapping - Phase 2
Southeast Prince of Wales Stream Habitat Mapping - Phase 3
Southeast Region Fresh Seafood Air Transportation
Southeast Restoration Workshop
Southeast Salmon Habitat Assessment
Southeast Salmon Infrastructure Assessment
Southeast Salmon Local Knowledge
Southeast Salmon Management Support
Southeast Sustainable Salmon Fund Technical Assistance
Southern Alaska Chum Baseline
Southwest Prince of Wales Stream Habitat Mapping - Phase 4
Spawning Abundance of Alsek River Sockeye
Sport Fish Hatchery Development
SRA: Planning for Purse Seine Stabilization Program
SRA: Southeast Alaska Fleet Consolidation Plan
SSRAA: Increased Summer Chum
Staney Creek East Middle Fork Restoration - Phase 1
Staney Creek East Middle Fork Restoration - Phase 2
Statewide Escapement Goals Assessment
Statewide Salmon Fisheries Scientist - Part 1
Statewide Salmon Fisheries Scientist - Part 2
Stikine Chinook Mark-Release - Rock Island
Stikine River Chinook CWT - Year 1
Stikine River Chinook CWT - Year 2
Stikine River Chinook CWT - Year 3
Stikine River Chinook CWT - Year 4
Stikine River Chinook CWT - Year 5
Stikine River Chinook Telemetry
Stikine River Chinook Telemetry - Tag Purchase
Stikine River Coho Mark-Recapture
Stikine River Sockeye Mark-Recapture
Stikine River Sockeye Radio Telemetry - Tag Purchase
Stikine Sockeye
Stikine Sockeye Radio Telemetry
Stock Assessment Assistant for Sport Fish Division - Phase 1
Stock Assessment Assistant for Sport Fish Division - Phase 2
Stock Composition of Subsistence Harvests and Total Return of Sockeye Salmon from the Kvichak River
Stormy Lake Restoration
Strategic Conservation of Important Salmon Habitat in Southcentral Alaska - Phase 1
Strategic Conservation of Important Salmon Habitat in Southcentral Alaska – Phase 2
Strategic Conservation of Important Salmon Habitat in Southcentral Alaska - Phase 3
Strategic Conservation of Important Salmon Habitat in Southcentral Alaska - Phase 5
Strategic Conservation of Priority Salmon Habitat - Phase 6
Strategic Conservation of Priority Salmon Habitat – Phase 7
Strategic Conservation of Priority Salmon Habitat – Phase 8
Strategic Conservation of Priority Salmon Habitat – Phase 9
Strategic Conservation of Priority Salmon Habitat in Southcentral Alaska – Phase 4
Stream Bank Restoration: Anchorage Cost Share
Stream Bank Restoration: Fairbanks Cost Share - Phase 1
Stream Bank Restoration: Fairbanks Cost Share – Phase 2
Stream Bank Restoration: Fairbanks Cost Share - Phase 3
Stream Bank Restoration: Fairbanks Cost Share – Phase 4
Stream Bank Restoration: Fairbanks Cost Share - Phase 6
Stream Bank Restoration: Fairbanks Cost-Share - Phase 5
Stream Bank Restoration: Kenai Cost Share – Phase 2
Stream Bank Restoration: Kenai Cost Share – Phase 3
Stream Bank Restoration: Kenai Cost Share - Phase 4
Stream Bank Restoration: Kenai Cost Share - Phase 5
Stream Bank Restoration: Mat-Su Cost Share - Phase 1
Stream Bank Restoration: Mat-Su Cost Share – Phase 2
Stream Bank Restoration: Mat-Su Cost Share - Phase 3
Stream Bank Restoration: Mat-Su Cost Share – Phase 4
Stream Bank Restoration: Mat-Su Cost Share - Phase 5
Stream Bank Restoration: Mat-Su Cost Share - Phase 6
Stream Bank Restoration: Southcentral Cost Share
Stream Bank Restoration: Southeast Cost Share
Stream Watch Volunteer Salmon Habitat Protection Program
Streamflow Models Analysis in Southeast Alaska
Stress Effects and Mass-Marking in Salmon
Subsistence Chinook Salmon Harvest in Lower Kuskokwim River Tributaries
Subsistence Salmon Fishery Harvest Monitoring in Cold Bay, King Cove, and Sand Point
Subsistence Salmon Harvest Assessment and Descriptive Analysis
Subsistence Salmon Harvest Report - Southeast/Yakutat Region
Substantiation of the AWC in Southcentral Alaska
Substantiation of the AWC in Western Alaska
Sunshine Creek Fish Passage
Surveying Anadromous Waters on Road Systems in Southeast Alaska
Surveying Proposed Land Transfer Selections and Remote Roads Systems for Anadromous Fish in Southeast Alaska
Susitna River Coho and Chum Abundance
Susitna Sockeye Salmon Escapement
Susitna Sockeye Salmon Production
Sustaining Alaska's Fisheries Printing
Taku River Chum Telemetry
Taku River Smolt and Escapement - Year 1
Taku River Smolt and Escapement - Year 2
Taku River Smolt and Escapement – Year 3
Taku River Watershed Planning
Taku Sockeye Population Assessment
Taku Wild-Hatchery Chum Study
Tanana River Tributary Fish Inventory
Targeted Fisheries Assistance Grant Program - Part 1
Targeted Fisheries Assistance Grant Program - Part 2
Targeted Fisheries Assistance Grant Program - Part 3
Targeted Fisheries Assistance Grant Program - Part 4
Tatsamenie Sockeye
Thematic Mapping of Southeast Alaska Salmon Fisheries
Thermal Imagery to Identify Cold-Water Refugia in the Deshka Watershed
Thermal Imagery to Identify Cold-Water Refugia in the Deshka Watershed
Tote Road Lakes Northern Pike Eradication
Traitors Pink Escapement
Transboundary River Chinook Salmon Fishery Implementation
Transboundary River Sockeye Salmon Genetics
Transboundary Rivers: Sentinel Watersheds - Part 1
Transboundary Rivers: Sentinel Watersheds - Part 2
Transboundary Watersheds - Unuk, Chickamin, and Taku Rivers
Troll Salmon Marketing
Tulsequah Chief Mine Review
Tulsequah River Salmon Habitat
Tuya Fish Passage and Harvest Structure
Tuya Lake Access Study
Tuya Lake Sockeye Access
Twelvemile Creek Restoration
Tyonek Forest Road Culvert Removal and Replacement
Tyonek Subsistence Fishery Harvest Monitoring
U.S. Geological Survey Gaging - Part 1
U.S. Geological Survey Gaging - Part 2
UFA: Subsistence Education - Year 1
UFA: Subsistence Education - Year 3
UFA: Subsistence Education - Year 4
UFA: Subsistence Education - Year 5
UFA: Subsistence Program - Year 2
Unalakleet Salmon Productivity
University of Alaska Southeast – Ketchikan: Fisheries Technology Distance Delivery
Unuk Coho
Upper Chilkoot Watershed Assessment
Use of Water Guns to Control Northern Pike
Video Monitoring Escapement in the Sinuk River
Warm Chuck Coho - Year 1
Warm Chuck Coho - Year 2
Warm Chuck Coho - Year 3
Wasilla Creek Flow Protection
West Cook Inlet Chinook Baseline
Westward Region Limnology
Wetland Stream Habitats
Wild-Hatchery Interaction in Southeast Alaska
Wintering Ecology of Juvenile Coho
Yakutat Coho CWT and Escapement
Yakutat Forelands Sockeye and Coho
Yentna Fish Wheel Selectivity
Yentna Sonar Error Estimation
YRDFA: Administration and Management
YRDFA: Administration Management Procedures, Policy Monitoring, and Outreach and Communication
YRDFA: Adminstration and Management FY08
YRDFA: Andreafsky Abundance and Run Timing
YRDFA: Andreafsky River Resistance Board Weir
YRDFA: Annual Yukon River Symposium Travel
YRDFA: DEC-Approved Fish Camp Roe Processing Facilities
YRDFA: Depth and Temperature Data of Tagged Chinook
YRDFA: Fish Wheel Training
YRDFA: Fisheries in the Classroom
YRDFA: Fisheries Management Participation
YRDFA: Fisheries Outreach and Advocacy
YRDFA: Fort Yukon Sheenjek Genetics Sampling
YRDFA: Fort Yukon Subsistence Monitoring
YRDFA: Gear Selection - Subsistence Chinook
YRDFA: Gear Survey - Yukon River Chinook
YRDFA: Grayling In-Season Subsistence
YRDFA: Henshaw Creek Resistance Board Weir
YRDFA: Ichthyophonus Planning -Yukon and Bering Sea
YRDFA: Kaltag Fisheries Development Project - Part 2
YRDFA: Kaltag Fishery Development
YRDFA: Local Fisheries Technicians
YRDFA: Local Fisheries Technicians - Part 2
YRDFA: Local Technician for Tozitna River Weir
YRDFA: Lower Yukon River Marketing Program
YRDFA: Marketing Yukon River Caviar
YRDFA: Planning Project
YRDFA: Post Season Subsistence Assistance
YRDFA: Quality Training for Yukon Fishermen - Part 1
YRDFA: Quality Training for Yukon Fishermen - Part 2
YRDFA: Rapids Research Center Technical Training andAssistance
YRDFA: Regional Marketing Program - Part II
YRDFA: Salmon Research, Monitoring, and Evaluation FY08
YRDFA: Sub-Regional Yukon River Marketing Program
YRDFA: Yukon River District Y-2 Fisheries Development
YRDFA: Yukon River Regional Marketing Program
Yukon Fall Chum Growth and Climate
Yukon Juvenile Chum Stock Analysis
Yukon River Chinook and Chum Salmon Abundance in the Northern Bering Sea - 2024
Yukon River Chum Salmon Baseline
Yukon River Juvenile Chinook Survey
Yukon River Summer Chum Radio Telemetry
Federal Grant Year
Check box to select/unselect all years
Principal Investigator
Check box to select/unselect all principal investigators
Jeff Adams
Milo Adkison
Bev Agler
Ian Agne
Steve Albert
Greg Albrecht
Vera Alexander
Erika Ammann
James Andel
Todd Anderson
Nancy Anderson
Alex Andrews
Sue Aspelund
Randall Bachman
Steven Baird
Tim Baker
James Bales
Nancy Bales
Peter Bangs
Andrew Barclay
Patrick Barry
Ray Beamesderfer
Anne Beaudreau
Marty Becker
Jenefer Bell
Rebecca Bellmore
Elizabeth Benolkin
Anna-Marie Benson
Lisa Beranek
Anne Berg
William Bergmann
Dan Bergstrom
Patti Berkhahn
David Bernard
Nate Bickford
Kristi Bischofberger
Richard Bloomquist
John Bolling
Jon Bonkoski
Branden Bornemann
Rob Bosworth
Jeremy Botz
Ian Boyce
Parker Bradley
Louisa Branchflower
Cole Branham
Linda Brannian
Audra Brase
Charles Brazil
Josh Brekken
Paul Brendible
Kevin Brennan
Rich Brenner
Naomi Brodersen
Jeffrey Bromaghin
James Browning
Kevin Brownlee
John Bruns
Greg Buck
Mark Buckley
Joseph Buckwalter
Meg Burgett
John Burke
Kelly Burnett
Richard Burnham
Carlton Burnside
Debby Burwen
David Cannon
Thomas Cappiello
John Carlile
Andrew Carmichael
Kristin Carpenter
Samantha Carroll
Holly Carroll
Robert Carter
Meg Cartwright
Nate Cathcart
Tim Cavileer
Bob Chadwick
Chet Chaffee
Richard Chapell
Robert Chokhachy
Anthony Christianson
Kristin Cieciel
Christy Cincotta
Bob Clark
John Clark
Peter Cleary
Michael Coffing
Norman Cohen
Daniel Coleman
Angela Coleman
Jeremy Collie
Jan Conitz
Joel Cooper
Lamar Cotton
Carrie Couey
Tom Crafford
Penny Crane
Jacob Cunha
Curry Cunningham
Mike Curran
Cecelia Curtis
Michael Daigneault
Tyler Dann
Seth Darr
David Daum
Jeffrey Davis
Jill Davis
Brian Davis
Robert DeCino
Lukas DeFillippo
Franklin Dekker
John DerHovanisian
Barnaby Dow
Paige Drobny
Robert Dubay
Robin Dublin
Kristine Dunker
Bradley Dunker
Ashley Dunker
Karen Dunmall
Mary Edenshaw
Takoda Edlund
Allen Edsall
Thor Eide
John Eiler
Mark Eisenman
Lisa Eisner
Kimberly Elkin
Leah Ellis
Randy Ericksen
Tony Eskelin
Jeffrey Estensen
Christopher Estes
Pete Etherton
Matt Evenson
Grace Fahrney
Tina Fairbanks
Jim Fall
Gary Fandrei
Edward Farley
Craig Farrington
April Faulkner
Jayde Ferguson
Emily Fergusson
Howard Ferren
Heather Finkle
James Finn
Lana Flanders
Blair Flannery
Douglas Fleming
Rick Focht
Chris Foley
Rose Fosdick
Matt Foster
Jeff Fox
Lisa Fox
Peter Frank
Glenn Freeman
Gary Freitag
Brian Frenette
Brett Fried
Jim Friedman
William Frost
Jeffrey Fryer
Marc Gaboury
Dee Gaddis
Gordon Garcia
Sabrina Garcia
Lon Garrison
Bill Garthwaite
Dave Gaudet
Hal Geiger
Tom Gemmel
Kenwyn George
Jonathon Gerken
Robert Gerlach
A.J. Gharrett
Joe Giefer
Sara Gilk-Baumer
Dan Gillikin
Karen Gillis
Ron Goertz
Jacob Gondek
Brent Gonzales
Daniel Goodman
Kristen Gorman
Dan Gorze
Kyle Graham
Andrew Gray
Jeanette Greenbaum
Casey Greenstein
Jackson Gross
Jo Grove
Edgar Guerron Orejuela
Jeffrey Guyon
Gordon Haas
Chris Habicht
Jeff Hadland
Glenn Haight
Gabriela Halas
Jason Hale
Toshihide Hamazaki
Helen Hamner
Raymond Hander
Jerry Hansen
Tracy Hansen
Bill Hanson
Heather Hanson
Roger Harding
Maggie Harings
Michael Harmon
Ken Harper
David Harrington
Scott Harris
Brad Harris
Thomas Hathaway
Sarah Hazell
Emily Heale
Steve Heinl
Kelly Hepler
Ray Hilborn
Derek Hildreth
David Hill
Nicola Hillgruber
John Hilsinger
Rocky Holmes
Steven Honnold
Eran Hood
Carrie Hoover
Kathrine Howard
John Hudson
Jason Hudson
Dean Hughes
Amanda Hults
Lisa Hutchinson-Scarbrough
Jon Hyde
David Ianson
Moira Ingle
Sam Ivey
Walter Jack
Cody Jacobson
Troy Jaecks
Mike Jaenicke
Sheila Jaocbson
Kathleen Jensen
Nick Jensen
Jim Jenson
Todd Johnson
Shawn Johnson
J Johnson
Jessica Johnson
Peter Johnson
Gardner Johnston
Wes Jones
Ed Jones
Bronwyn Jones
Leslie Jones
Roy Josephson
Ron Josephson
Philip Joy
John Joyce
Mark Kaelke
Kate Kanouse
Bob Karlen
Ellen Kazary
Kevin Keith
Lee Kellar
Scott Kelley
Scott Kent
Adam Kent
Bill Kiger
Sun Kim
Mary King
Ryan King
Darcy King
Simon Kinneen
Ben Kirkpatrick
Dan Kirsch
Joe Klein
Jill Klein
Brian Kleinhenz
Stephanie Kobylarz
Rich Koch
Christine Kondzela
Floyd Kookesh
David Koster
Ryan Kovach
Donald Kramer
Keegan Krantz
Carl Kretsinger
Dylan Krull
Libby Kugel
Malla Kukkonen
Deyna Kuntzsch
Amy LaBarre
David Landis
Steve Langdon
Eric Lardizabal
Sean Larson
Cody Larson
Tyler Lawson
Charlie Lean
Cathy LeCompte
Elizabeth Lee
Nicole Legere
Emily Lescak
Barry Lester
Bert Lewis
Zachary Liller
John Linderman
Jesse Lindgren
Michael Link
Colton Lipka
Joseph Little
Lauren Little
Mary Beth Loewen
Nancy Long
Jack Lorrigan
David Love
Jody Lozori
Richard Luther
Joseph Lyon
Debbie Maas
Margaret MacKinnon
Scott Maclean
James Magdanz
Meredith Marchioni
Joseph Margraf
Megan Marie
Michelle Martin
Robert Massengill
Allison Matter
Sue Mauger
Suzanne Maxwell
Michael Mazzacavallo
Molly Mccammon
Marie McCarty
Steven McCurdy
Mike McDougall
Malcolm McEwen
Steve McGee
Chandra McGee
Andy McGregor
Bruce McIntosh
Timothy McKinley
Mac McLean
Matt McMillan
Megan McPhee
Scott McPherson
Doug Mecum
Brad Meiklejohn
Julie Meka
Richard Merizon
Marty Metiva
Benjamin Meyer
Tamara Meyers
Mitch Michaud
Steve Miller
Todd Miller
Jeffrey Milton
Mark Minnillo
Rys Miranda
David Mitchell
Douglas Molyneaux
Doug Molyneaux
Kevin Monagle
Catherine Moncrieff
Jennifer Morella
Wayne Morgan
Jamal Moss
Jason Mouw
Emily Munter
James Murphy
Katherine Myers
James Nagler
Nicole Nelson
Matthew Nemeth
Jason Neuswanger
Jeff Nichols
Dennis Nickerson
Jennifer Nielsen
Michael Nizich
Joel Nudelman
Gillian O'Doherty
John Oliva
Glen Oliver
Peter Olsen
Jeffrey Olsen
Joseph Orsi
Mitch Osborne
Russ Oswald
Ted Otis
Benjamin Overacker
James Overland
Dion Oxman
Eleanor Oydna
Keith Pahlke
Jeff Park
John Parker
Robert Pawlowski
Casey Peavy
Joshua Peele
Randall Peterman
Jennifer Peura
Carl Pfisterer
Stephen Phillips
Bob Piorkowski
Andrew Piston
David Policansky
Karen Polley
Dion Polly
Jason Post
Eric Prestegard
Elaine Price
Aaron Prussian
Tess Quinn
Thomas Quinn
Terrance Quinn
Austin Quinn-Davidson
Peter Rand
Thomas Ravens
James Ray
Julie Raymond-Yakoubian
Joshua Ream
Terry Reeve
Steve Reifenstuhl
Anne Reynolds
Conor Reynolds
William Rice
Cecil Rich
Philip Richards
Natura Richardson
Renate Riffe
Cole Riggs
Larry Riley
Daniel Rinella
Ray Riutta
Don Roach
Becca Robbins
Robert Ruffner
Greg Ruggerone
Darin Ruhl
Lauren Rusin
Brad Ryan
Kristin Ryan
Jessica Ryan
Robin Samuelson
Cheryl Sautel
James Savereide
Kevin Schaberg
Bruce Schactler
Erik Schoen
Myra Scholze
Beverly Schoonover
Carl Schrader
Herb Schroeder
Mike Schroeder
Terry Schwarz
Terence Schwarz
Tobias Schwörer
Lisa Seeb
Jim Seeb
Jason Seger
Anna Senecal
Alex Senta
Adam Sepulveda
Fletcher Sewall
Rebecca Shaftel
Colin Shanley
Leon Shaul
Kyle Shedd
Aditi Shenoy
Peter Sherman
Patrick Shields
Naresh Shrestha
Patrick Simpson
Jack Sinclair
Jeff Sires
Amy Skilbred
Jonne Slemons
Matthew Sloat
Helen Smeaton
Jeff Smeenk
Jerry Smetzer
Michael Smith
Jason Smith
Tracy Smith
William Smoker
Matt Smukall
Kim Sollien
Nancy Sonafrank
Ed Soto
Jarrod Sowa
Rob Spangler
Ted Spencer
Adam St. Saviour
Thomas Stark
Heather Stewart
Neil Stichert
Mark Stichert
Sharmon Strambaugh
Kelly Strawn
Kate Sullivan
Joe Sullivan
Trent Sutton
Cheryl Sutton
Jan Svejkovsky
Charlie Swanton
Doug Sweat
Nicole Swenson
Sandra Tabhone
David Tallmon
Michael Taylor
William Templin
test test
Newtek Tester
Bruce Thomas
Sam Thomas
Stefanie Thomas-Fox
Terry Thompson
Frank Thrower
Jackie Timothy
Gary Todd
Meryl Towarak
Lance Trasky
Lisa Trimmer
Michael Turek
Troy Tydingco
Christy Tyler
Keith van den Broek
Ben VanAlen
Ken Vance-Borland
Matthew Varner
Mark Vinsel
Raymond Vinzant
Eric Volk
Carol Volk
Guy Wade
Coowe Walker
William Wall
Murray Walsh
Scott Walter
Bartlett Watson
Michelle Wattum
Bill Waugh
Rachel Weaver
Thomas Weingartner
Jan Weller
John Wenburg
Alex Wertheimer
Fred West
Peter Westley
John Whissel
John White
Jody White
Diane Whited
David Wigglesworth
Dennis Wigham
Amy Wiita
Gary Wilburn
Dawn Wilburn
John Wilcock
Mark Willette
Donna Williams
Gordy Williams
Austin Williams
Richard Wilmot
Brian Winnestaffer
Mark Witteveen
Andy Wizik
Nathan Wolf
Christine Woll
Eric Wood
Doug Woodby
Gordy Woods
Rosita Worl
Ann Wyatt
Richard Yanusz
Dan Young
Christian Zimmerman
Rob Zuanich
Rebecca Zulueta
Stan Zuray
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