Please check back frequently as new questions/answers will be posted as issues arise. Click on the questions below to see answers.
How much funding did AKSSF receive for this call for proposals?
We do not yet know how much funding will be available for this CFP; if we receive a preliminary award before the CFP closes, we’ll update this answer.
Where are current federal grant regulations/What is 2 CFR 200?
Federal grant regulations changed significantly for federal awards made on or after December 26, 2014. All successful applicants of this CFP will be required to follow these regulations, consolidated at 2 CFR 200, for their proposed project. In the past, different entity types (e.g., non-profit, government, university) followed different federal grant regulations. With the 2 CFR 200, all types of entities will follow the same regulations (with the possible exception of subpart F, Audit Requirements, for commercial/for-profit subawardees) which include uniform administrative requirements, cost principals, and audit requirements. Your entity should be thoroughly familiar with these regulations.
What are cooperators, principal investigators, and co-principal investigators?
Cooperators are organizations that receive funding through the project, collaborate on the project, and perform a significant portion of the work; cooperators are subrecipients (see below). Contractors (also referred to as "vendors") are not cooperators.
The principal investigator and co-principal investigator(s) share responsibility for the project. There can be multiple co-principal investigators, but only one principal investigator. Each organization in the proposal budget must be represented by at least one investigator. Organizations not funded by the project may also provide co-principal investigators.
What is the difference between a cooperator/subrecipient and a contractor/vendor?
If we have doubts about a potential collaborator's financial or business management systems, can we avoid the issue by listing them as a contractor?
What if I incorrectly include an organization as a contractor when they are really a cooperator/subrecipient?
Should all investigators on the project be entered on the proposal submission system, even if they do not receive funding?
Where do I describe organizations partnering on the project that do not contribute investigators or match (I don't see a partners section in the proposal form)?
Is fiscal sponsorship, subawarding, or providing "pass-through" funding allowed?
Does a non-profit organization need to find a pass-through entity to be eligible to apply?
What is the purpose of the Federal Grant Management Capabilities Survey?
I need help filling out the Federal Grant Management Capabilities Survey. Can you tell me how to answer questions X, Y, and Z?
AKSSF contracted a federal grants expert to provide a technical assistance workshop in September 2011. This two day workshop provided guidance related to internal controls and business/financial management systems. Content from this workshop, including video and sample policies/procedures, is available at when logged into the AKSSF site. If you do not have login credentials and would like to view the materials, please contact Debbie Maas (; 907-465-6134). Please note that grant regulations changed beginning with federal awards made on or after December 26, 2014. The workshop remains a good overview, but please review 2 CFR 200 for updated federal regulations relevant to all types of entities (with the exception of subpart F, Audit Requirements, for commercial/for-profit subawardees) in effect for all federal awards made on or after December 26, 2014.
I submitted the Federal Grant Management Capabilities Survey with my AKSSF proposal last year; do I need fill it out again?
I am interested in submitting a proposal jointly with another entity, but I am concerned their financial or business management systems may be deemed inadequate in the proposal review process (i.e., through the Federal Grant Management Capabilities Survey). What should I do?
State of Alaska agencies are not required to fill out the Federal Grants Management Capabilities Survey. My organization is a quasi-state agency (or an entity that is authorized or otherwise affiliated with the State of Alaska); do I still need to fill out these forms?
Why is the system asking for my organization to upload indirect rate documentation when we do not have an indirect rate?
Where do I enter what organization is applying for funding?
Who should I enter as investigators?
Why are certain documents required for some organizations and not for others?
Will someone at AKSSF review my proposal to determine whether it is responsive before the deadline?
What if I miss the deadline for the administrative pre-review?
How long does it take to submit a proposal through the proposal submission system? When should I start the submission process?
Is there a form to fill out for indirect documentation?
What is a federally negotiated indirect cost rate agreement (NICRA)?
I don’t have a NICRA. Can I still claim indirect?
I see that the AKSSF Budget Spreadsheet only has one column. Does this mean funding is only available for one year?
Do we need to split expenses into fiscal years? / How should I organize my budget narrative?
For the sake of making these easy to read for reviewers as well as the general public, please keep your budget narratives as simple as possible (e.g., if pay rates are the same across fiscal years, please do not split expenses into fiscal years). If your organization wants your budget broken down into smaller periods (e.g., quarterly or by fiscal year), please provide this information to your supervisor or administrator separately from your proposal. A sample budget narrative for a fictitious project is provided below.
If my proposal is approved, will ADF&G write the contracts for us?
What is a third party match contributor?
What is the basis for AKSSF policies regarding match?
Will I be scored higher if I include more than the required 35% of match in the match budget?
If my organization plans to use volunteers as match, how do I show it in the match budget narrative? Do I need to submit third party match forms?
Can I use unrecovered or underrecovered indirect as match?
Do I need to follow my organization's procurement process for vendor contracts identified in my proposal?
Suppose the field season for my project starts April 15; what should my start date be?
What is the timeline for proposal review?
CFP documents often reference "salmon." Are projects related to steelhead also eligible?
For technical support, questions, or comments, please contact Debbie Maas at