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The AKSSF program has funded around 1,000 projects since its inception in 2000. Use a key word search to find the projects that interest you, click on a marker in the map to learn more, or explore the filters to refine your search by region, year, objective, etc. (Please note that many of the projects funded prior to 2014 are no longer eligible for AKSSF funding.)

Gulkana River Chinook Escapement - Phase 1

Synopsis:Gulkana River Chinook and sockeye salmon stocks support subsistence fisheries in the mainstem of the Copper River. This project will estimate daily passage of Chinook and sockeye salmon migrating in the mainstem Gulkana River by visually counting fish as they pass over white fabric panels located on the river bottom. The resulting data will provide three additional annual estimates of Chinook salmon escapement for one of the major spawning systems in the Copper River drainage, continuing a data set that currently spans nine years and facilitating inseason management.
Project #:44622
Project Period:7/1/2011 - 11/30/2013
Federal Fiscal Year:2010
Scott Maclean Principal Investigator ADF&G, Division of Sport Fish
Statement of Work AKSSF Reports
Semiannual Report 5/1/2011 - 10/30/2011 PDF
Semiannual Report 11/1/2011 - 4/30/2012 PDF
Semiannual Report 5/1/2012 - 10/31/2012 PDF
Semiannual Report 11/1/2012 - 4/30/2013 PDF
Semiannual Report 5/1/2013 - 10/31/2013 PDF
Completion ReportPDF
Optional Reports
Chinook Salmon Escapement and Run Timing in the Gulkana River, 2013–2015
FDS Report No. 13-07: Chinook Salmon Escapement and Run Timing in the Gulkana River, 2011–2012 Escapement estimates of Chinook salmon from a counting tower located on the Gulkana River in Interior Alaska

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